In today’s ultra-competitive industry of litigation aid, it is becoming more difficult to find a court reporter and court reporting firm that share your progressive and modern litigation attitude. Competition within the business has increased in recent years, which explains this trend. Every court reporting company, from the huge chains with offices in most major cities to the household names in your own town, will use the same tired marketing phrases about how fast they are, how accurate their work is, how on time it is, and how professional it is.
This is true for both the national corporations that have established branches in most major cities and the smaller, regional ones. It’s true that on average and in the vast majority of instances, each of them will provide very accurate and on-time transcripts. However, you should have far higher standards for your court reporter. A excellent court reporter and court reporting service should also have a number of other characteristics. You may rest easy knowing you’ve selected a crucial litigation support partner if they exhibit these qualities, which will set them apart from the competition.
Proficient Use of and Knowledge of Cutting-Edge Court Reporting Technology
An excellent court reporter constantly uses CAT software and carries their own laptop to every assignment. Because of this, they may take down the testimony in court as it is being delivered. You need to be able to keep an eye on your reporter making changes to the transcript at all times, even during breaks and lunch, for maximum efficiency and turnaround time.
In addition, they use a tool called AudioSync to ensure that their transcripts are always accurate and in sync with their audio. A competent court reporter will utilise their skills and any available tools to generate transcripts that are completely accurate. It would be irresponsible of a court reporter not to utilise this technology, and it would be a red flag that the reporter is not up-to-date on the latest developments in the area. There is no hint of lack of skill here. Next time you see your reporter at work, ask them to give you a quick demonstration of AudioSync if you haven’t seen it before.
Voices in the Conference Room That No One Is Listening to
An outstanding court reporters Denver will try to blend into the background as little as possible throughout a proceeding, and will only step in when absolutely necessary. A good reporter blends into the background, so you don’t think about them until after the surgery is complete and it’s time to go through the doctors’ notes. Furthermore, your court reporter shouldn’t yell during a session unless they really can’t hear a witness who is speaking in a quiet voice. If the court reporter can’t hear the witness, the attorneys probably can’t too, and one of the lawyers will typically interject before the reporter has a chance to.
Consistency and Care for the Finer Points
No competent court reporter would ever ask for a recess in an open court case. They know you have a plan and a sequence for your questions, and they know that most attorneys and witnesses will take a break after one or two hours of questioning. Working with reporters who take pleasure in their endurance and appreciate the fact that they are dealing on your schedule is refreshing in comparison to working with those who are continually begging for breaks and disturbing your flow.